ICT in het Onderwijs

How do I personalise messages with replace strings?

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Replace strings allow you to easily personalise standardised messages by replacing simple codes with data from Brightspace.

You can use replace strings in every tool where you can make use of the HTML editor. You can add a replace string to your text between curvy brackets ({…}), the viewer of this text will see the value that is represented by the replace string. When you, for example, start an Announce with Dear {FirstName}, they will see their first name instead of the replace string.

Replace strings do not work if you want to send an e-mail using Classlist or Groups.

Replace strings for Content

The replace strings below can be used in Content:

Soort Replace string Omschrijving Voorbeeld
Organizational level
{OrgId} ID number of the university 6066

{OrgName} Name of the university Radboud University
Organizational Unit
(Org Unit)
Course ID number

Course name 1819 Praktijkoriëntatie (PER1 V)

Course code MAN-CWB4037-2018-JAAR-V

Path to Manage Files of the course /content/enforced/6646-sb-JaneDoe/

If you create a file in Content (using Create a file) the replace strings work differently than it would in other tools: the HTML-editor removes the accolades when you publish the new file, even when the replace string has not been entered correctly and/or is not valid in Content. This means that the replace string will be replaced by the corresponding value and will not be visible itself.
The replace string will, however, remain intact in all other tools: the accolades will not be removed and the replace string will be copied, even if it is incorrect and/or invalid in another tool. This means that if I were to enter the replace string {OrgUnitID} in a discussion topic in course A and then copy the topic to course B, the name of course B will be in the topic text of course B (and not A).

Other replace strings (not for Content)

The replace strings below can be used for every tool except Content. You can use these replace strings in the description of a topic. Furthermore, these replace strings work well with, for example, Announcements.

Replace string Omschrijving Voorbeeld
User {UserName} U , S or E number of the user

{OrgDefinedID} U , S or E number of the user

{FirstName} First name of the user Jane

{LastName} Last name Doe

{Email} Mail address of the user [email protected]
Role {RoleName}
Role of the user in that specific place in Brightspace Teacher

Replace strings voor Intelligent Agents

The replace strings below can be used for Intelligent Agents:

Te gebruiken voor Replace String Omschrijving Voorbeeld
Address bar {InitiatingUser} Mail address of the user that meets the criteria of the intelligent agent [email protected]
Body {OrgName}
Name of the university Radboud Universiteit
Body {OrgUnitCode}
Course code MAN-CWB4037-2018-JAAR-V
Body {OrgUnitName}
Course name in Brightspace 1819 Praktijkoriëntatie (PER1 V)
Subject and body {OrgUnitId}
Course ID number  in Brightspace 6646
First name of the user that meets the criteria of the intelligent agent Jane
Last name of the user that meets the criteria of the intelligent agent
U , S or E number of the user that meets the criteria of the intelligent agent
ID number of the user that meets the criteria of the intelligent agent U123456
Subject and body
Date when the user, that meets the criteria of the intelligent agent, last accessed the course January 1, 2019
Subject and body
Date when the user, that meets the criteria of the intelligent agent, last logged into Brightspace
January 1, 2019
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