The University Library offers many e-learning modules and LibGuides via A LibGuide is a format for presenting a collection of sources in a concise digital overview. The sources are grouped by subject area. You can add a LibGuide or part of a LibGuide to your course in Brightspace to make it easily accessible for students.
You add a LibGuide to your Brightspace course using a LTI-connection. This way students can navigate through the LibGuide within Brightspace, instead of being linked and redirected to a new window.
- Go to Content in the navbar of your course.
- Go to the (sub)module to which you want to add the LibGuide.
- Click Existing Activities.
- Click External Learning Tools. A new window will open.

- Search the list and click on Library Content (LibGuides). You now added a new topic for the LibGuide.
- Click the topic.
- Choose LibGuides - from the drop-down menu behind LibGuides Site.
- Choose from the drop-down menu behind Content Type if you want to add a complete LibGuide (Full LibGuide), a single page from a LibGuide (Single Page) or part of a specific page (Content Box).
- Choose the right LibGuide behind Guide.
Behind Guide Page you can choose what will be displayed, dependent on if you are adding a full LibGuide or only a part:
- Full LibGuide: choose which page will be the start page.
- Single Page: choose the right page.
- Content Box: choose the right page. Next you choose the right part of the page behind Box.
- If you are adding a Content Box you can tick Display box without header and border if you want to display only the text in the box.
- Click on Embed Content. Then reload the page (F5) to display the content.
- You can now view the LibGuide by clicking on View Content. You will see what students will see when they open the topic.
- Click Edit Selection to choose a different (part of the) LibGuide and reload the page (F5). NB: the current selection will be deleted.
Full LibGuide
Students can navigate through the different pages of the LibGuide. In the example you see the LibGuide Chicago Manual of Style with the pages Home, Principles, Style I: Notes and Bibliography en Style II: Author-date References.
Single Page
Students can navigate within the selected page. In the example you see the LibGuide Chicago Manual of Style, wherein students can view the page Style I: Notes and Bibliography.