Beeld and Geluid (Image and Sound) at school is a media platform from the Beeld and Geluid Institute. A collection of video and audio fragments have been made available for use in education. The website is in Dutch only.
Log in and find videos
Save video materials in lists
Cut fragments and add them to a Brightspace course
Log in and find videos
- Navigate to (in Dutch).
- Click Log In.

- Click Inloggen met Surfconext/Log in with Surfconext.

- Choose Radboud Universiteit and log in using your username and password.

- On this page, click Ja, ga door naar Beeld en Geluid op School | Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid/Yes, continue to Beeld and Geluid in School | Dutch Institute for Image and Sound).
- Use the search bar to find materials.
Save video materials in lists
It is possible to add a video to a list, to make it easier to retrieve them later.
- Navigate to the video you want to add to a list.
- Click the list icon to add a video to a list within Mijn Materiaal/My Material.
- Click Later bekijken/View Later to add the video to the list Later bekijken/View later;
- Create a new list. In this example, no previous lists were created.

- After creating a new list you still have to select it. Click the name of the list.
- Click Mijn Materiaal/My Material.
- Then click Lijsten/Lists to retrieve the created lists.
Cut fragments and add them to a Brightspace course
- Navigate to a fragment with the search bar or go to a fragment in your saved fragments via Mijn Lijsten/My Lists.
- Click Maak Fragment/Make Fragment.

- Move the left slide to the beginning of the fragment you want to cut.
- Move the right slide to the end of the fragment you want to cut.
- Change the title and description of the fragment if desired.
- Click Bewaar fragment/Save fragment.
- Choose a list where you want to save the fragment.
The list containing the saved fragment will now open automatically.
- Click the share icon.

- Click Kopieer naar Klembord/Copy to clip board for Embed code.
Add clip to Brightspace
- Navigate to the course you want to add the video to.

- Navigate to Content.
- Click the (sub)module you want to add the video to.
- Click Upload/Create.
- Click Video or Audio.

- Paste the copied embed code in the upper field.
- Add a title.
- Click Save. The fragment will now be visible for students on the spot you have selected in Content.
The first time you will receive a warning (We blocked this for you) with the question if you trust the external website in the iframe. Click Allow and then click Next.