Notifications are updates of a course you receive by e-mail. It does not concern the alerts in Brightspace itself (like uploaded files or assignments that were handed in). You can choose from which courses and course components they receive updates by e-mail.
Students can also choose whether they want to receive notifications by mail. Teachers have no influence on this. It is a personal setting within the Brightspace account of the student.
We advise you to inform your students about this setting if you frequently use Announcements to communicate with your students.

- Click on your name or initials/picture in the minibar.
- Click Notifications.
- Fill out the desired email address on which you would like to receive notifications under Contact Methods (this does not alter your email address in the system). Brightspace automatically uses the Radboud email address, because this is the address that is linked to your Brightspace account. If you wish to change this, click on Change your email settings. Fill in the desired email address and click on the Save button.
- Select whether you would like to receive a daily or weekly summary of notifications under Summary of Activity. If you wish to receive a Summary of notifications you can alter the moment of the day at which you wish to receive this summary. If you do not change this setting, you will by default receive the summary at 0:00.
- Beneath Instant Notifications you can manage for which activities you wish to receive notifications. This applies to all courses, except for those you have excluded beneath Exclude Some Courses.
If you are a new Brightspace user, notifications for new and changed Announcements will be turned on by default. You can turn this off yourself by unchecking the boxes in the menu above.
- Customise Notifications allows you to manage whether you wish to receive notifications about grades and notifications of future courses.
- Exclude Some Courses allows you to select some courses of which you would not like to receive notifications. Click on Manage Course Exclusions and click on the cross behind the name of the course(s) of which you do not want to be notified of activities. If you disabled notifications of a certain course you now wish to enable notifications from, you should search for the name of the course and click on the restart-notifications icon. Click on Restore Excluded Courses to enable notifications of all courses.
Many of the activities that result in a notification will be a result of your own actions. Therefore, the notifications will be of more use to students than to teachers. The reason that you are able to manage your notifications is that students and teachers have the same options for notifications.