Adding a description and managing requirement
- Go to Content in the navbar of your course.

- Go to the (sub)module that contains the topic you would like to edit.
- Click on the fold-out arrow next to the topic.
- Click Edit Properties In-place.

- Click Add a dates and description to add a Start and End date and to add Release Conditions.
- Click Add a description to add a short description of the topic so students can oversee the content and the goal. This is not about the actual contents, but a shor description to explain what the topic is about.
- Click the visibility icon to switch the visibility from Visible to Hidden.
- Indicate whether you want to enable Completion Tracking for the topic:
- Required: Automatic: as soon as a student clicks the topic, it is marked complete.
- Required: Manual: students have the responsibility themselves to mark a topic as completed.
- Not Required: no completion tracking on the topic.
Students have stated that they like to be able to track their progress. It is a way for them to ensure that they have completed all important tasks. Provide items that will be assessed, such as Assignments or Quizzes that are not intended for self study, with the marking Required: Manual.

- In the Table of Contents you can see how many Required topics there are. Next to Table of Contents you can see the total amount. Next to each (sub)module you can see how many required topics that specific component contains. This is visible to both teachers and students.
- A tick icon is visible on the right of the topic when it is required:
- The normal tick represents Required: Automatic.
- The tick with hand represents Required: Manual.
Moving and deleting

- Click the arrow next to a topic to either move or delete it.
- Click Move Up or Move Down to move the topic within the (sub)module. Click Move To to move the topic to another (sub)module.
- Click Delete Topic to delete the topic.
- You can also move a topic by dragging it to the right spot. To do so, click and hold the menu icon situated before the topic and drag it to another place within the (sub)module or move it to another (sub)module.