- How do I create an Announcement?
- How do I manage announcements?
- How do I personalise messages with replace strings?
- What is an Intelligent Agent and how do I use it?
- How do I create an Intelligent Agent and how do I test them? Administration | Course Admin
- How do I manage Intelligent Agents? Administration | Course Admin
- How do I create a chat for my course?
- How do I edit chats and access old chats?
Other Resources
- What's new? ICTO
- Brightspace ICTO
- Ans ICTO
- Website Digitaal Toetsen (WDT) ICTO
- TrainTool ICTO
- Incidentmanagement
- What's new?
- Brightspace
- Ans
- Portflow
- Weblectures
- Kaltura
- Virtual Classroom
- Teams Meetings
- TrainTool
- MemoryLab
- H5P
- Evalytics Interactieve content
- Wooclap
- What's new? (EN)
- Ans (EN)
- Portflow (EN)
- Weblectures (EN)
- Kaltura (EN)
- Virtual Classroom (EN)
- Teams Meetings (EN)
- TrainTool (EN)
- H5P (EN)
- Evalytics
- Wooclap (EN)
- Brightspace Student
- Ans Student
- Portflow Student
- WDT Student
- Videotools Student
- Brightspace
- Ans Student (EN)
- Portflow Student (EN)
- Videotools Student (EN)
- Wooclap (EN)