Tasks can be used to create a personal task list (tasks you can only see perosnally). These lists can be added to your calendar (Calendar). They depend on the course.
- Navigate to the Calendar via your personal homepage or via Course home. To do so, click on the Calendar widget.
You can easily share the tasks from your Brightspace Calendar with an external agenda, such as your Google or Outlook calendar. To do this, please read the article How do I sync my Calendar with other applications such as Gmail and how do I print it?
Create tasks
- Click Add a task... to add a task and write down the information in the text box.
- Press Enter on your keyboard or click on a random spot in your screen. You have now added the task.
- Repeat these steps for each task you wish to add.
Tasks you have added do not automatically have a due date. They can only be viewed through the calendar. Additionally, you will not receive a notification about your tasks. It is possible to add a due date to create order for your tasks.
Edit tasks (add due date)
You can edit a task and add a due date and/or note. When you set up due dates, Brightspace will automatically order the tasks in your task list based on date.
- Click on the task to open it.
- If you want to change the title, double click it.
- Click No due date to set up the final submission date of this task. Enter the date and click the save icon to save the date. Note that when you select 'no due date', Brightspace will automatically enter the date three days from now.
- Click Add a note... to add notes.
- Click on the trashcan icon to delete a task.
- Check the box in front of the title of the task to mark it as completed.
- Click Tasks to return to the task list.

Because you added due dates the tasks have automatically been ordered based on their date when you view the task list. The number behind Today, Upcoming and Someday displays the number of tasks. The total number of tasks can be found under Tasks. When you select the box in front of a task, it will be marked as completed. The task will then disappear from the overview.
Today: tasks with a due date for today or tomorrow. Note that this section also contains the tasks of which the due date has expired, but that are still unchecked.
- Click Add an immediate task to create a task with a due date for tomorrow. Note that it is possible to change the due date at a later moment.
Upcoming: tasks with a due date later than tomorrow.
- Click Add an upcoming task to create a dask with a due date in three days. Note that it is possible to change the due date at a later moment.
Someday: tasks without a due date.
- Click Add a task to create a task without a due date. Note that it is possible to change the due date at a later moment.
- Click View Completed Tasks to review and possibly reopen your finished tasks.
You will only see the headings Today, Upcoming and Someday when you add tasks with a due date that matches these headings. If you only have tasks without a due date, for example, you will not see these headings.
Complete and delete tasks
It is very easy to complete and delete tasks simultaneously.

- Click on the arrow behind Tasks.
- Click Set all Completed.

Brightspace will ask for a confirmation. Click Yes.

- Click on the arrow behind Tasks.
- Click Delete.

- You will have three options:
- Select In progress tasks only to delete current tasks only.
- Select Completed tasks only to delete completed tasks only.
- Select All tasks to delete all tasks.
- Then click Delete.