Teachers can use Brightspace to keep track of students' attendance. If your teacher uses Attendance, you can see what the teacher has entered about your attendance. If attendance is mandatory, you can see whether your percentage of attendance is high enough to fulfill the requirements of the mandatory attendance.

- Navigate to Administration in the navbar of your course.
- Click Attendance.
Below My Attendance you will see the Attendance Registers that have been used. There could be multiple registers because the teacher wants to keep track of the attendance of different groups, for example. A register consists of:
- the name of the register with a possible description;
- the total number of sessions for which attendance is kept;
- the attendance percentage measured in the total number of sessions.
Click on the name of the register to see the details of your attendance (Attendance Data).
- Below Attendance you will see an overview of the register and of your attendance:
- The title and description of the register;
- The total amount of sessions;
- The percentage of your attendance;
- An overview of your attendance, for example how often you are present and/or absent and whether you had a good reason to miss class.
- The table will show the status of your attendance for each session.