ICT in het Onderwijs

What's New? February 2025

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Open Courses 
Until now, the Discover function in Brightspace was hidden under Help. This has now changed! Open courses now have a prominent place in the taskbar. Read more

Quiz Statistics
A Brightspace quiz now allows you to filter by groups or sections. Read more


Progress view
The interface of the progress view in Portlfow has been changed. In the progress review, main goals and subgoals are now more clearly visible. This makes it easier for teachers to give feedback on only main or sub-goals.

You can now add the following metadata to a piece of evidence in Portflow: date, location and number of hours spent. In a collection, the spent hours of all evidence are added together and displayed.

Badges as evidence
You can now import into Portflow an achieved badge, such as a Brightspace badge. To do this, you must first export the badge from Brightspace. Then you get a file that you can import again as evidence in Portflow. This includes characteristics of the award. 

Then you have to confirm in Portflow that you are the owner of the award. You do this by entering the e-mail address of your Brightspace / RU account. A confirmation link will be sent to that email address.

Next Article What's New? January 2025