If you want to go to Brightspace and create a webcam recording, or use a different camera that is connected to your computer, then you can use the Kaltura Webcam Recorder.
If you want to record both your webcam and your screen at the same time, you cannot use the Webcam Recorder. Instead you have to use Kaltura Capture.

- Go to Activities in the navbar of your course.
- Click Kaltura My Media.
- Below Add New, choose the option Webcam Recording.

If you use Webcam Recorder for the first time, the browser will ask for permission to use your webcam and microphone. Click Allow to grant permission.

The Record Media screen opens.
- The gear allows you choose the camera and microphone you want to use during the recording. When you have selected the right camera, you will see the image that will be recorded.
- Click the red button to start the recording. After a countdown from 3 to 0 the recording will start.

At the bottom of the screen you can see the recording time that has passed. You will also see a small white button that you can click to stop the recording.

- Click the stop button to stop the recording.
- If you do not like the recording you can click Record Again to start a new recording.
- If the recording is good enough, click Use This. The recording will then be automatically saved to Kaltura My Media.

- As soon as the recording is uploaded you will see the screen above.
- Name the recording and add a description and tags if you wish.

- Click Save to save the filled out data.
- Click Go To My Media to go back to My Media.
The recently saved video will appear at the top of the list in My Media. Only you are able to see this recording. You can still edit it or add it to your Brightspace course right away. For more information you can read the following manuals: How do I edit videos in Kaltura?, How do I add videos and other media to my course with Kaltura?