ICT in het Onderwijs

Send recap

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"The quality assurance coordinator sends recab to the students who have participated in the course from Evalytics. This feedback includes a summary of the evaluation results and the reflection of the teacher(s), but NOT the (average) results.
In evaluations that are declared invalid, the quality assurance coordinator also informs the students via Evalytics." (Vade Mecum Quality Assurance in Education (2022 p. 13-11.)

  1. Check whether you are in the correct programme environment, which you can see in the top left corner (in the example below, it is Bachelor CIW).

Send recap VALID evaluation

  1. In the left-hand menu, click 'Evaluations'.
  2. The list with evaluations within this programme is shown. If you feel like evaluations are missing, verify whether the filter (top right) is set correctly, preferably to 'All'.
  3. Click on a VALID evaluation.
    a valid evaluation has min. 5 respondents AND min. 20% respons rate
  1. You are now on the overview screen of the evaluation. Scroll down to find the 'Feedback' section in which you can see the feedback of the teacher(s).
  2. Copy the text you want to feedback.
  3. Scroll back up and click in the right hand menu on 'Send recap' (NOT 'Send notification').

If the teacher's response to the evaluation results provides a good summary and no further details were raised during the OLC meeting, this response can be fed back to the students. So in that case, copy the teacher's feedback.

A new screen will now appear.

By changing the language yourself via the globe button at the top right, the screen and the text in the subject line will automatically change as well.

  1. The title is filled in automatically. You do not need to change anything here.
  2. Paste the text you copied, ideally completed with a salutation, short introduction and conclusion.

Dear student,

The evaluation of the [NAME] course has now been discussed in the programme committee (OLC). Below you will find the [lecturer’s] response to the results of the evaluation.

[paste copied text here]

Kind regards,

[name of quality assurance coordinator] & OLC [and lecturer name, where applicable]

  1. Do NOT send results. So make sure no box is ticked.
  2. Under 'Email addresses' the email addresses of students who have received an invitation to the evaluation are automatically listed.

PLEASE NOTE: If you want to send a recap to an evaluation which was evaluated live in class (with code), there are no students attached to the evaluation yet (read: there are no email addresses under the heading 'Email addresses'). In that case, type the full course code under 'Groups' (12). The link with OSIRIS will then automatically add all students currently registered for the course.

  1. Scroll down and click 'Send' at the bottom right.

The recap sent can be seen on the evaluation overview screen, under the heading 'Feedback'.

Send recab INVALID evaluation

  1. In the left-hand menu, click 'Evaluations'.
  2. The list with evaluations within this programme is shown. If you feel like evaluations are missing, verify whether the filter (top right) is set correctly, preferably to 'All'.
  3. Click on a INVALID evaluation.
    A invalid evaluation has less than 5 respondents AND less than 20% respons rate.
  1. You are now on the overview screen of the evaluation. Click in the right hand menu on 'Send recap' (NOT 'Send notification').

A pop-up appears .

By changing the language yourself via the globe button at the top right, the screen and the text in the subject line will automatically change as well.

  1. The title is filled in automatically. You do not need to change anything here.
  2. Type your message .

Dear student,
The evaluation of the [NAME] course is declared to be invalid due to insufficient response
Kind regards,
[name of quality assurance coordinator] & programme committee

  1. Do NOT send results. So make sure no box is ticked.
  2. Under 'Email addresses' the email addresses of students who have received an invitation to the evaluation are automatically listed.

PLEASE NOTE: If you want to send a recap to an evaluation which was evaluated live in class (with code), there are no students attached to the evaluation yet (read: there are no email addresses under the heading 'Email addresses'). In that case, type the full course code under 'Groups' (22). The link with OSIRIS will then automatically add all students currently registered for the course.

  1. Scroll down and click 'Send' at the bottom right.

The recap sent can be seen on the evaluation overview screen, under the heading 'Feedback'.

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