ICT in het Onderwijs

Introduction MemoryLab

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Decades of research on learning and memory show that self-testing is one of the most effective ways to learn. For the best self-testing sessions, it is important to spread out the practice moments of the different components. MemoryLab calculates the optimal spread of these practice moments based on your reaction time and the accuracy of your answers. Using MemoryLab leads to a learning gain of 10 to 20% compared to non-adaptive learning methods.

Where can I find MemoryLab?

You will find MemoryLab in every course environment under the ‘Activities’ heading in the taskbar at the top of the course page. As a teacher, you automatically have access to MemoryLab.

However, students cannot see this heading. They have access to the sets and lessons you create and place in the course, but cannot create these on their own.