ICT in het Onderwijs

How do I navigate through the assess overview?

Updated on

After you have been added as a marker to the marking proces, you will find the assessment to be marked in this overview.

  1. Click on Marking.
  2. Click on the tab Assess.
  3. Click on the assessment which you want to mark.
  4. Fill in the assessment code or title to search for an assessment.

Via the dashboard you can also easily click on the Not Marked area to access the assessments which still need to be marked.

The submissions tab

Depending on how the marking has been set up, you will either see an overview of questions  (see image below) or an overview of the candidates who took the assessment. There are thus two possibilities.

  1. The question.
  2. The item id of the question.
  3. When the question was last assessed.
  4. The scores which have been submitted.
  5. How many questions have been scored.
  6. The progress thus far.
  7. The status of the marking of that question.
  8. Click on the question to start marking the question.
  9. Determines the view of the submissions: items or candidates.
  10. Click here to filter on the number of attempts (if candidates are allowed multiple attempts).
  11. This option is only selectable if the let assessor decide option has been selected during setup.
  12. Can be used to filter on marking status.

Progress report

  1. Click on the progress report to open the tab.
  2. The questions.
  3. The progress of the marking.
  4. Click on of the candidates or questions to start marking.
  5. The legend: what do all the colours mean.
  6. Set the view of the report: items or candidates.
  7. Click here to filter on the number of attempts (if candidates are allowed multiple attempts).
  8. This option is only selectable if the let assessor decide option has been selected during setup.
  9. Can be used to filter on marking status.

In the artikel how to navigate through the marking pile you can read how to navigate though the answers to the questions.