ICT in het Onderwijs

What are the steps in the automatic marking process?

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No assessors assigned

After the schedule of the assessment has ended, the results will be available in the Audit tab. Because the assessment will be marked automtically by the system, with the setting No assessor assigned, the asssessment is not shown in the tabs Coordinator, Assess and Results. When manually mark auto-scored questions was selected, when publishing the assessment, it would be.

  1. Go to Marking
  2. Go to Audit and search by assesssment title
  3. Optional is to go to Rescoring and rescore the question(s) 

Manually score auto-scored questions

When the schedule is started, on the tab Coordinator under Marking, the assessment will be shown. On the tab Coordinator you can set the Marking settings and the optional moderation.

Select/Click on the assessment you want to manually mark.

  1. Go to the Setting tab and set the Assessing settings
  2. Add one or multiple assessors. At least one needs Publish Results marked.
  3. Allocate the candidates or items to assessor(s).
  4. Use moderation in case you need it in the marking process. Maximum of 3 moderation rounds.

After the marking is finished, the results can be submitted and published. The assessment status will be changed to Assessed on the tab Assess. On the tab Results you can publish the results. After publishing, the results will be shown in the tab Audit.