ICT in het Onderwijs

How do I add a pdf to an exam on a Chromebook / Chromebox?

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You can attach a pdf to an exam on a Chromebook / Chromebox. The link to the pdf is placed on the introduction page shown at the beginning of the exam. By clicking on the link, the pdf reader becomes active and the document is opened.


Click on the pdf icon on the left hand side.

  1. Click on Kies een bestand (Choose a file) to select the pdf file.
  2. Click on Uploaden (Upload) to upload the file.
  1. Copy the link by clicking on the pages.
  2. Click on Nog een PDF uploaden (upload another PDF) if you want to upload another PDF.

Per exam only one PDF can be added in this way. In Cirrus it is also possible to add PDF's: to a question, section or to the introduction page.

Open a new browser tab and go to Cirrus. Login and navigate to the collection of the course for which the PDF has been added. Open the introduction page which will be used in the assessment.

  1. Select the text you wish to hyperlink.
  2. Click on link. A popup will appear.
  3. Paste the hyperlink.
  4. Click on the check mark to add the link.
  5. The hyperlink will be visible in the assessment. This message is not relevant in this case.
  6. Click on Save and close.