ICT in het Onderwijs

How do I create an assessment overview for the course file?

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The assessment overview as described in this manual provides the following information:

  • Assessment information
  • Settings
  • Candidate experiences
  • Safety
  • Title
  • Item ID
  • Version
  • Question type
  • Goals
  • Taxonomy
  • Score
  • status
  1. Navigate to Assessments.
  2. You will be navigated to the Assessments tab. Here you will find an overview of all assessments that have been created. Select the assessment of which you want to retrieve the rubric.
  3. Click on the magnifying glass at the end of the assessment you want to print.

You will be navigated to the Author tab.

  1. Use your keyboard to type the combination CRTL+P (in below example we used Google Edge browser).
Cirrus assessment and 1 more page - Profile 1 - Microsoft​ Edge

A Print Preview will appear.

  • Make sure you have selected the 'Save as PDF' option.
  • Make sure the layout setting is Landscape; this way you can fit more information on one page.
  • The default setting for printing is 'color' this can be changed to back and white if needed.

Click on 'More settings' as shown in the red square.

  • The paper size of the printer is standard set at A4.
  • Use the Scale to make sure the data is visible.

When all the settings are satisfied, press Print.