ICT in het Onderwijs

How do I set the grade calculation using the assessment scale?

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Grade calculation

The grades in Cirrus are determined based on the chosen assessment scale. The test scores are converted into a grade, based on a percentage of the total possible score (absolute grading).

Different rules or regulations can apply for rounding, cut-off percentage, with or without grades between 5 and 6, when grading assessments. You can find these rules or regulations in the Education and Examination regulations (EER), study program or faculty assessment policy or in extra exam committee regulations.

Pay attention!

The assessment scale is set when composing the assessment. It’s not possible to change the assessment scale after the test has been assessed. If you want to make any adjustments in the grade calculation after the assessment, please get in touch with your faculty’s digital assessment coordinator.

Set the assessment scale

You can add the assessment scale for the assessment in the form.

•    Use the navigation bar on the left to navigate to Assessments.

•    Click at the desired assessment.

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click on the form of which you want to set the assessment scale.

1. Click Options.

2. Select the Assessment scale you want to set for this assessment. You can choose from:

  • Passed/Failed (Geslaagd/Niet geslaagd)
  • 1-10 (55%) – rounded off to whole grades (1-10 (55%) – HELE cijfers)
  • 1-10 (55%) – rounded off to half grades - with 5.5 (1-10 (55%) – HALVE cijfers - mét 5,5)
  • 1-10 (55%) – rounded off to half grades - without 5.5 (1-10 (55%) – HALVE cijfers - zonder 5,5)
  • 1-10 (55%) – rounded off to grades with decimals – with grades between 5 and 6  (1-10 (55%) – TIENDE cijfers - mét cijfers tussen 5 en 6)
  •  1-10 (55%) – rounded off to grades with decimals – without grades between 5 and 6  (1-10 (55%) – TIENDE cijfers - zonder cijfers tussen 5 en 6)

Pay attention!

The grades in these assessments scales are calculated from 0-10. After the calculation the grades 0-1 are converted to 1.

The default pass mark is set on 55%. This means a student receives a ‘Pass’ with a test score from and including 55% of the total possible score.

If you want to use a different percentage or grade calculation ask your faculty’s digital assessment coordinator for help.

3. For the lowest possible grade, the pass grade and the highest possible grade 'from and including' percentages and scores are shown in a chart.

4. Click View complete assessment scale to view all the details for the selected scale.

This overview shows for every possible grade (depending the rounding choice) the boundaries of the grade (percentage/score ‘from and including’). After assessing and scoring Cirrus links the individual test scores to these grades.

5. Click Save.

Adjusting for chance score

When using selected-response items (gesloten vragen) in Cirrus you are given the option to adjust for chance score. The adjustment is based on the chosen assessment scale.

The pass score is calculated with the formula:

((highest possible score – chance score) * pass percentage) + chance score.

The grades are determined in the same way as with the ‘original’ assessment scale.

  1. Check the box before Adjust percentage to pass for chance. After checking the box the chart with the percentages and scores for the lowest possible grade, the pass grade and the highest possible grade appears.
  2. Click View complete assessment to view all the details for the selected scale.
  3. Click Save.